'The Work That Reconnects' 
Experiential  workshops  to  enable us to engage with our inner responses to the  grievous  state of our world  and transform  those feelings into  loving action.  

These experiential workshops, based on the beautiful work of Joanna Macy, can be held over a few hours, a day or a weekend. 
 During the workshop we move through a spiral of :
Gratitude -  
Honouring our pain for the world -  
Seeing with new/ ancient  eyes -  
Going forth - feeling reconnected to each other and to the Earth and to the Great Spirit, and able to work towards the healing of humanity that is a necessary prelude to the restoration of beauty health and life to the earth.
I have sometimes been asked to give Zoom presentations and here is a link to  one I gave for Elders for Earth recently   https://youtu.be/8nUeqTfRzVQ

I am an accredited facilitator of 'The Work That Reconnects' 

  “....we are not treating the world as alive and sacred. We have not acted in service to life. We have instead seen the rest of life as the servant of man . That is what wants to change. The ecological crisis provides the initiatory medicine for the world’s dominant civilization to make that change. The crisis will intensify until the medicine has been fully received.”
C. Eisenstein Climate The New Story p. 82.

Some words of appreciation from workshop participants 

'Jane travelled to Dublin to facilitate a very special workshop during Extinction Rebellion Week based on Joanna Macy's Work That Reconnects. It was gentle, as well as both fun and serious.
It was for many of us part of a transformative experience, creating a powerful connection among people who had never met before.
I would highly recommend Jane's workshops.'  Sinead

‘I loved having a relaxing, quiet, peaceful, loving, sacred, held space in which to be held at the beginning of this uncertain week. Thankyou”

An Sanctoir Sept 2019 

"The workshop was beautifully held – both practically and energetically . And the home made soup was much appreciated! I arrived exhausted hopeless and dispirited and left feeling connected renewed and inspired – what more could I have wished for. "   J  D 

"Excellent workshop Jane. Fabulous exercises and very deep inner experiences. I can’t see any way it could be improved. " A M

"Felt really held by you and the growing safety in the group."  Debra

 "All the exercises were very powerful and insightful. Great and important work."

Ennystymon January 2020

 'Lovely atmosphere. Immediate trust in Jane. Shared voices – leader not dominant.'

 'I liked that hope underlined the realistic negative and fears for our planet'

 'Each reading, and activity was enjoyable and enlightening and created resonance'

 'Magical. Loved the mandala of honesty / truth'

'Felt everyone’s loving light and energy Just what my spirit needed. Jane is so kind and compassionate. Can’t wait to do another!'

 'I loved the welcome, the sincerity and the honesty. Thank you so much,le grá M.G.

 'Dear Jane firstly thankyou for sharing this wonderful experience with us. I enjoyed the whole workshop, beautifully held and executed – it was a lovely spiritual and connective experience'